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Thermometers for building automation
The (technical) building automation, which actually includes refrigeration, (thus some dub it HVAC/R )) is a defnite application area for sensors. The sensors can be grouped into following types: pressure, fow rate, comfort, indoor air qualtity, temperature and humidity. One of the most common properties measured in the HVAC control world is temperature. Human comfort, computer room requirements, and a host of other considerations make temperature measurement necessary to HVAC control strategies. Therefore temperature sensors (resistance thermometers) dominate among other sensors (like climat- , pressure- , fow rate sensors etc.). The operating range can be from -35 ° C to +150 °C. The requirements for sensors and their mounting position are very specifc and complicated.tmg‘s HVAC/R-sensors are suitable for a wide number of temperature sensing and applications within the HVAC/R market. A range of tmg-thermometers are licensed by the PTB for use in heat metering or in explosive areas (ATEX-Certifcate).
tmg - offers:
- surface sensor with cap
- tube contact sensor
- built-in sensor with measuring insert
- built-in sensor with additional protection tube
- fast respond srew-in sensors
- screw-in sensor with tapered protenting tube / - measuring insert
- screw-in sensor with neck tube / measuring insert
- duct sensor / fue gas sensor
- screw-in duct sensor mit perforated protection tube
- fue gas sensor with fange
- duct sensor with measuring insert / with fange
- simple duct sensor with fange
- duct sensor with tapered protenting tube
- indoor sensor with external sensor part / transmitter
- indoor sensor with potentiometer